How To Do Compass Pose (Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana)

Compass Pose (Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana) is one of Nguyen's favorite yoga poses. Nguyen loves this pose because it's one of the easiest poses to do for newbies, those with stiff muscles, and moreover it's very pretty, especially for virtual living purposes (laughs). .

And also need to mention the benefits of this pose. In the process of practicing this pose, it will help you open your shoulder joints, intercostals, hip joints, and also your ligaments, which is a great joint and muscle opening combination because most of us often suffer from stiffness and stiffness of these joint and muscle groups.

To do this pose, you will need a Yoga series of exercises Helps open hip joints, shoulder joints, stretch the intercostal muscles and leg ligament compression.

Don't think this pose is too difficult because Nguyen will guide you in detail how to do this pose, how to warm up to get into this pose, as well as how to use tools to help get into the pose. .

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