How to Grow a Banana with a Head (Headstand) for Beginners

When practicing headstand or headstand, you should avoid jumping on the wall because it will be very dangerous, especially for our neck. If exercise is wrong, it can lead to cervical spondylosis, disc herniation or straining the muscles around the neck area. More severe can twist the neck, paralyze the lower body.

Nguyen will teach you how to do a headstand against the wall in detail so that you avoid injury and falls. In addition, with you there are stiff leg ligamentsNguyen will also guide you on how to use Yoga bricks to support your practice so that you can get into the banana growing position more easily.

Growing bananas or standing with your head (headstand) is the king pose in Yoga, which means it is a difficult, advanced position and needs to be practiced consistently. For those of you who are still stiff, try hard Squeeze exercise Add to practice more effectively.

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