Bow Yoga Pose: Benefits And Specific Instructions

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Bow pose This is one of the Yoga postures that has many benefits and is quite challenging for beginners. However, this position is not only beautiful, but also contains a series of significant health and mental benefits. In the article below, Nguyen will share with you its benefits and give detailed instructions on how to do it.

What is the Bow Pose?

Bow pose is a pose where you bend your body into the shape of a bow. When you bend your back up, stretch your entire body from neck to feet, helping to create muscle relaxation and flexibility. This is considered an advanced Yoga pose but it is also completely suitable for beginners if you know how to do it correctly.

Benefits of Yoga Bow pose

Benefits for physical health:

  • Increase strength and flexibility for abdominal muscles, core muscles, and spine.
  • Helps open shoulder and hip joints, improving shoulder joint mobility
  • As a reclining position, it also helps strengthen the back muscles
  • Helps stretch neck muscles, chest muscles, abdominal muscles, thigh muscles, lower legs and toes.

Benefits for mental health:

  • Relax your mood and reduce stress
  • Activates and stimulates the abdominal organs and the sympathetic nervous system
  • Strengthens the digestive organs.

Prepare before practicing

  • It's best to wait at least four to five hours after meals to do this pose.
  • The best time to do this pose is early in the morning. But you can also do it in the evening if your morning is busy with other activities.
  • If you have backache, degeneration nice disc herniation, practice under the guidance of a teacher or skip this pose.

Bị đau lưng khi tập tư thế Cánh Cung
Back pain when practicing the Bow pose

Instructions for the Bow Yoga pose

Bước đầu của tư thế Cánh Cung
The first step of the Bow pose

  • To do this pose, lie face down on the floor with your arms at your sides. Bend your legs towards your body, then use both hands to hold the ankles.

Tư thế Yoga Cánh Cung
Bow Yoga Pose

  • Inhale, lift and push your chest forward, use your shoulder force to pull your chest up, at the same time your hands pull your ankles and legs and apply pressure back to your hands, creating traction and lifting your thighs and legs off the ground.
  • Once in position, breathe evenly and keep your neck on the curve of your spine.

Some notes when practicing the Bow pose

Joints are stiff

Các khớp bị cứng khi tập tư thế Cánh Cung
Joints become stiff when practicing the Bow pose

A common mistake in this pose is that if you have stiff thigh muscles, back muscles, hip joints or shoulder joints, it will be difficult to perform this pose.

Open the shoulder joint with a rope, low lunge pose, cobra pose and thigh stretch pose

Practice additional exercises to support bow pose, especially stretching and opening exercises for the shoulders, spine, hip joints and thigh muscles.

You can refer to postures that help open Nguyen's hip joints and increase shoulder flexibility.

Excessive arching of the back

Lỗi cong lưng quá mức khi tập
Error of excessive back arching when exercising

The second mistake is that you try to arch your back too much, causing pressure on the lumbar vertebrae and discs. Try to stretch your spine forward instead of bending your waist.

Tilt your neck too far back

Lỗi ngửa cổ về sau quá nhiều
Error of tilting the neck back too much

And finally, when doing this pose, avoid tilting your neck back and forcing your buttocks inward because it can cause pain and fatigue in your neck, shoulders, and back.

Tập đúng tư thế Yoga Cánh Cung
Practice the correct Bow Yoga posture

Nguyen hopes that the above sharing will be effective and useful for the training process Bow pose your. Besides, there are also many articles on health and yoga at Nguyen's blog, especially Youtube channel Nguyen has many other useful exercises and movements, please follow and look forward to Nguyen!

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