Frog Pose: Benefits and Specific Instructions

tư thế yoga con ếch

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Frog Pose is a popular pose in Yoga, very useful for opening the hip joints, stretching the inner thighs and exercising the lower abdomen. However, this is also a quite challenging position for beginners because it requires flexibility of the hip joint. In this article, Nguyen will introduce to you some of the benefits of Frog pose, while also showing you how to do it more effectively and avoid common mistakes.

What is Frog Yoga Pose?

Frog Yoga Pose, or Mandukasana, is a basic pose in Yoga. When practicing this pose, you will widen the hip joint and shape it quite like a frog. It not only benefits your bones and joints, but also positively improves your spirit.

Benefits of Frog Yoga Pose

  • This pose helps open and increase flexibility in the hip joint by stretching the thigh adductors and inner thigh muscles. Besides, it also aids in opening the hip joint and hip joint effective.
  • Helps relax part of the muscles connecting the pelvis and lumbar spine, and back muscles help relax the lumbar spine and provide support reduce low back pain.
  • Because it is a pose that helps relax the hip joint area, where many stressful emotions converge, frog pose also helps relax the mind and body. reduce stress.
  • This is an extremely good position if you are someone who often sits and works a lot and often has back and leg pain.

How to do Frog Yoga Pose

Hướng dẫn tập tư thế Con Ếch
How to practice Frog pose

  • To do this pose, start in table position.
  • Slowly open your knees to the sides, while using your hands to support in front.

Mở rộng chân khi thực hiện tư thế Con Ếch
Open your legs wide when practicing Frog pose

  • Open your legs until you begin to feel a stretch in your groin and inner thigh muscles.

Mẹo tập tư thế Yoga Con Ếch
Tips for practicing Frog Yoga pose

  • A small tip is that you can use your hands to help spread your legs out to the sides. Note, if you feel pain and discomfort, narrow your legs as much as you can.
  • You can stay here for 30 seconds to 1 minute breathing deeply and slowly.

Some notes when performing Frog Yoga pose

Lỗi đẩy hông chưa đúng khi tập tư thế Yoga Con Ếch
Error of incorrect hip thrust during exercise

  • A common mistake in this position is that you push your hips back or forward too far, not engaging the necessary muscle groups. Keep your hips at the level of your knees.

Bị đau lưng khi tập tư thế Con Ếch
Back pain when practicing Frog pose

  • The second note is that if you feel lower back pain when leaning straight on your arms, lower your back and can lean on your forearms.

Nguyen hopes that the above sharing will be effective and useful for your practice of Frog Yoga pose. Besides, there are also many articles about health and Yoga at Nguyen's blog, especially Youtube channel Nguyen has many other useful exercises and movements, please follow and look forward to Nguyen!

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