Tree Pose: Benefits and Specific Instructions for Beginners

tư thế yoga cái cây

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Tree Yoga Pose is a simple pose and is Beautiful posture in Yoga, whether you are a beginner or have been practicing Yoga for a long time, mastering this pose is extremely important. Let's learn with Nguyen about the great benefits it brings to the muscles, as well as how to correctly perform this interesting pose!

What is Tree Yoga Pose?

Tree Yoga Pose, also known as “Vrikshasana” in Sanskrit. In this pose, you stand on one leg, place the other leg on the thigh of the other leg and raise your arms above your head, creating the image of a tree. This pose focuses on balance, increases concentration, and calms the mind.

Tư thế Yoga cái cây
Tree Yoga Pose

Benefits of Tree Yoga Pose

  • This pose helps increase balance and stability of the body by strengthening the lower body muscle groups such as buttocks, thigh muscles, ligaments, knee joints, calves and ankles.
  • Helps improve your posture by opening your hip joints, stretching your spine, training your core, opening your shoulder joints, and stretching your chest muscles.
  • Train your concentration as well as your ability to sense space, helping to develop your brain and nervous system.

How to do Tree Yoga Pose

Bước đầu trong tư thế Cái Cây
First step in Tree pose

  • To do this pose, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, shifting your weight to the standing leg. Tighten and hold your glutes, thigh muscles, and ligaments.

Co chân trong tư thế Yoga Cái Cây
Bend your legs in Yoga Tree pose

  • Then use your hand to bend one leg up, apply the sole of the foot of the bent leg to the inner thigh of the other leg, the bent toes point down and open the hip joint, the knee points outward.

Note when practicing Tree pose

Lưu ý trong tư thế Yoga Cái Cây
Note when practicing Tree Yoga pose

  • Note, if you cannot place the soles of your feet on your inner thighs, you can place your feet on your lower legs or hold your knees in front to practice balance.

Giữ thăng bằng và vươn tay qua đầu
Maintain your balance and reach your arms overhead

  • After you have balanced your legs, option 1 is easy and you can clasp your hands in front of your chest. If you feel steady, you can make option 2 more difficult, pinch and stretch your arms above your head, relax your shoulders and keep a distance between your hands and ears.
  • To increase balance, try to hold firmly on the soles of your feet and the tips of your toes, while keeping your eyes at one point and breathing evenly. Also, gently tighten and hold your core muscles to feel more stable.

Nguyen hopes that the above sharing will be effective and useful for your practice of Yoga Tree pose. Besides, there are also many articles about health and Yoga at Nguyen's blog, especially Youtube channel Nguyen has many other useful exercises and movements, please follow and look forward to Nguyen!

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