9 Favorite Yoga Poses to Take Beautiful Photos

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Yoga is not only a form of exercise but also an art of living. In your quest for self-improvement, you have surely heard of Yoga poses that bring many benefits to your health and spirit. But do you know about beautiful Yoga postures? Let's learn with Nguyen in this article the beautiful yoga poses below to get perfect poses for virtual life.

Compass Pose - Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana

Tư thế Yoga La Bàn
Compass Pose (ompass Pose - Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana)

Compass Pose is one of Nguyen's favorite yoga poses. Nguyen loves this pose because it's one of the easiest poses to do for newbies, those with stiff muscles, and moreover it's very pretty, especially for virtual living purposes.

It helps open the hip joint, shoulder joint, as well as compress the ligaments. In addition, it also strengthens the shoulder joints and intercostal muscles.

Scorpio Yoga Pose (Scorpion Pose – Vrishchika)

Tư thế Yoga Bọ Cạp
Scorpio Yoga Pose (Scorpion Pose – Vrishchika)

The Scorpio Yoga Pose is an uplifting pose that demonstrates flexibility, strength, and focus. When performing the scorpion pose, the practitioner lies in a 90-degree reverse position, with the arms and shoulders fully loaded.

This pose is not only a beautiful pose, but it also offers many health benefits both physically and training concentration. From improving blood circulation to opening and balancing the body, this pose contributes to a healthy body and alert mind.

Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana)

Tư thế Yoga Bánh Xe
Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana)

Wheel Pose challenge the flexibility of the back and shoulders, suitable for those who are familiar with the basic postures and want to expand the range of training.

This is an advanced backbend pose that strengthens the shoulder joints and increases flexibility for the entire back.

Handstand Pose (Adho Mukha Vrkasana)

Tư thế Handstand
Handstand Pose (Handstand Pose – Adho Mukha Vrkasana)

Handstand yoga pose, also known as “handstand” in English, is one of the most challenging and impressive poses in the yoga world.

It is a symbol of balance and physical strength, requires maximum concentration, enhances concentration and enhances patience.

Headstand Pose (Sirsasana)

Tư thế Headstand
Headstand Pose (Sirsasana)

Headstand requires good balance and strength of the neck and shoulder muscles. This pose is suitable for those who are experienced with inversions and want to challenge themselves.

It requires the practitioner to stand on top of the head, with gravity transferred to the hands and arms, this image demonstrates outstanding balance, which is extremely interesting.

King Pigeon Pose - Raja Kapotasana

Tư thế Yoga Chim Bồ Câu Vua
King Pigeon Pose - Raja Kapotasana

The King Pigeon Pose requires an extension of the hips, shoulders, and chest. In addition, it is also a backbend pose that requires flexibility of the back spine.

This pose requires the practitioner to bend one leg back and clasp it with the hands from behind, creating an image of an open body, with a forward view, symbolizing an open mind and spirit. free.

Crow Pose (Crow Pose – Bakasana)

Tư thế Yoga Con Quạ
Crow Pose - Bakasana

Crow Pose requires balance and the ability to balance on your hands in space. This pose challenges the strength of the arms and abs.

The image of the body raised, using only the arms for support, creates a beautiful image of strength and patience.

Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana – Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose)

Tư thế đứng nắm ngón chân (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana - Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose)
Standing position holding toes

Standing Toe Hold Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana) is a Yoga movement that requires balance and concentration. In this pose, you will stand on one leg and lift the other leg high, using your hands to maintain balance. This is not only a beautiful Yoga pose but it also helps increase the strength and flexibility of the legs and abdominal muscles. This pose is very suitable for taking photos and posting on social media channels.

Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

Tư thế Cái Cây (Tree Pose - Vrikshasana)
Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

The Bamboo Pose is a symbol of stability and balance in Yoga. In this pose, you stand on one leg and place the other foot on the thigh or ankle of the standing leg. The hands are raised above the head, forming a solemn and elegant pose.

It is suitable for everyone, from yoga beginners to experienced people. Similar to a sturdy tree, this position helps improve concentration and creates a sense of peace. Besides, it is also very beautiful when taking photos.

Necessary notes when performing beautiful yoga poses

  • Don't do it when it's uncomfortable: Everyone has a different body with its own flexibility and strength. Do not force your body into a position that you do not feel comfortable doing.
  • Use a yoga mat: Use a yoga mat or a smooth surface to prevent slipping and protect skeletal muscles.
  • Do it under guidance: If you're just starting out in yoga or doing new poses, seek the guidance of a professional teacher. They can help you make sure you do it properly and safely.
  • Avoid upside down positions: Some poses require bringing the head below the level of the heart. If you have blood pressure problems, headaches, or blood vessel problems, this pose should be avoided.

Nguyen hopes that his sharing will be useful for your journey to conquer beautiful yoga poses. You can refer to more articles or video tutorials at Website Nguyen Yoga or channel Youtube Nguyen Yoga.

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