Legs Up the Wall Pose: Benefits and Effective Ways to Practice

Legs-up-the-wall position This is an extremely suitable position for those whose work requires them to stand or sit a lot and often have sore legs. In this article, let's explore with Nguyen its wonderful benefits, as well as learn how to perform this pose to achieve relaxation after tiring working hours and enjoy the wonderful benefits. Please.

What is the leg-up-the-wall position?

Tư thế gác chân lên trường
Posture with feet up on the school

Legs Up The Wall pose (Legs Up The Wall, also known as Viparita Karani in Sanskrit), is a restorative Yoga pose that brings many outstanding benefits, it has become a popular choice for people. desire to relax.

This pose is easy to do and can be adjusted easily, so it is very suitable for those who are new to Yoga or exercise. What's more, it is used in Hatha Yoga, Yin or Restorative Yoga classes.

Benefits of the leg-up-the-wall position

  • This pose will help relax the leg ligaments, helping better blood circulation, thereby reducing pain in the legs and knee joints.
  • Combined with stretching and turning your ankles while lying down will help you reduce ankle pain and prevent symptoms of leg cramps.
  • In addition, massaging the thigh muscles and calves will help blood circulate better, preventing and reducing varicose veins in the legs.
  • If combined with deep and slow breathing, this pose also helps relax the mind, reduce stress.
  • Lie in this position for 3-5 minutes before going to bed, or whenever you feel the need to rest, you will be surprised at its effects.

How to do the leg-up-the-wall pose correctly and effectively

  • Start by choosing a wall, making sure you have enough space to stretch your legs out when lying down.
  • Place a soft blanket or yoga mat on the floor, and you can use a small pillow to prop your head up when needed.

Tư thế gác chân lên trường
Posture with feet up on the school

  • Lie on your back, bring your hips close to the wall, stretch your legs up against the wall, put your hands gently on your hips or any other comfortable position.

Duỗi và lật cổ chân trong tư thế gác chân lên tường
Stretch and turn your ankles in a foot-up-the-wall position
Massage your thighs while resting your feet on the wall

  • You can stretch and rotate your ankles to reduce ankle pain and leg cramps. Or you can also combine it with thigh massage.
  • Breathe deeply and evenly, hold this position for 10-20 minutes.
  • To exit the pose, gently push yourself away from the wall.
  • Lie comfortably on your back for a short time, before slowly standing up.

Note when performing the leg-up-the-wall pose

  • You should choose comfortable clothes to keep your body in the most comfortable state, limiting blood circulation.
  • This position is not suitable for people with recent or chronic leg injuries, tears or ruptures of leg and spinal ligaments.
  • Some common mistakes people make include lying too far or too close to the wall, placing too soft a pillow or blanket under the back... because it can lead to muscle tension and hinder spinal balance.
  • Do it twice in the morning and at night before going to bed, these two times are very good and more effective.

Nguyen hopes that the above sharing will be effective and useful for your practice of Yoga pose with legs up on the wall. Besides, there are also many articles about health and Yoga at Nguyen's blog, especially Youtube channel Nguyen's has many exercises

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