What is a Yogi? How Does a Person Who Practices Yoga Be Called a Yogi?

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Do you know what a yogi is? If you practice yoga or are interested in it, you may have heard this term. But do you clearly understand its meaning? In this article, Nguyen will introduce you to what a yogi is, how to become a yogi, and common misunderstandings about yogis. Let's explore with Nguyen!

What is a Yogi?

What is Yogi? This is a question that many people are interested in when wanting to learn about a sport that combines body, mind and spirit. According to web search results, it can be seen that Yogi is a word used to refer to people who practice Yoga. So, if you have done a few Yoga poses or are new to Yoga, are you a Yogi? – The answer is no.

Yogi, also known as Yogini, was developed from the same context in Latin with the word jungo (connect, unite) and German with the word jock (yoke to bind). Based on these meanings, we can understand that Yogis are not simply people who practice Yoga, but people who practice Yoga regularly, are passionate about Yoga to the point of mastering it, and turn Yoga and its philosophies into your lifestyle.

Yogi là gì
What is a Yogi?

How to be called a Yogi?

So, to become a true Yogi, what do you need to do? You need to exercise regularly, properly and have a healthy lifestyle:

  • Exercise regularly and with principles: You need to practice Yoga at least three times a week, for about an hour each time, to maintain and improve your level and health. You also need to have a specific schedule and strictly follow it. You should not give up halfway or be lazy when practicing Yoga.
  • Exercise properly: You need to learn and perform the postures, breathing techniques, meditation and philosophy of Yoga correctly and safely. You also need to listen to your body, adjusting your posture and breathing according to your abilities and feelings. You should learn Yoga from qualified and experienced teachers, or take Yoga teacher training courses to improve your knowledge and skills.
  • Building a lifestyle: You need to live according to the principles and philosophy of Yoga, not only during practice, but also in all activities of life. You need to eat a healthy, balanced diet, avoiding foods that are harmful to your body and mind. You need to live ethically, honestly, kindly, respecting and loving yourself, others and nature. You need to seek harmony, happiness and goodness in everything
Làm thế nào để được gọi là Yogi?
How to be called a Yogi?

Eating principles for Yogis

To have a healthy and happy Yogi life, eating properly is very important. Below are some suggested eating principles for Yogis that you can refer to.

Proper nutrition

According to ancient tradition, the Yogi's diet is vegetarian, and at the same time, Yogis must also have a balanced and diverse diet as the basis to provide enough nutrients for the body and spirit. Yogis should eat a variety of foods containing proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Protein helps build and protect muscles, carbohydrates provide energy, fats help absorb vitamins and maintain body temperature, vitamins and minerals participate in many physiological processes, and fiber helps with digestion and preservation. intestinal protection.

Do not use alcohol or stimulants

Alcohol, stimulants such as coffee, tea, cigarettes, drugs... are harmful to Yogi's health and spirit. They are addictive, affect the nervous system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, immune system and cause hormonal imbalance. They also reduce the Yogi's ability to concentrate, meditate, and perceive. Therefore, Yogis should avoid or limit the use of these substances.

Eat more vegetables

Green vegetables are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber for Yogi. They help protect the body from chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer... and strengthen the immune system. They also help purify the body, reduce toxins and improve skin. In addition, green vegetables also have beneficial effects on the mind, helping to reduce stress, improve mood and enhance memory.

Eat warm food

According to Indian beliefs, where yoga was born, warm food is good for the Yogi's health and spirit. Warm foods help stimulate digestion, increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation and soothe emotions. Warm foods include soups, broths, porridge, hot pot, rice, cakes... and spices such as chili, ginger, pepper, cinnamon, anise... Yogis should avoid eating cold, frozen, or cold foods. sour, because they reduce body temperature, slow down digestion and cause discomfort.

Eating on schedule

One of the important eating principles for Yogis is to eat on time. Eating on time helps the body have a stable biological cycle, creating conditions for the digestive system to operate effectively and maintain the necessary energy for the body. Yogis should eat breakfast within an hour of waking up, lunch around 12-1pm and dinner before 7pm. Yogis should also snack between meals to avoid hunger and reduce cravings.

Nguyen hopes that the above shares will be effective and useful in her process of conquering Yoga and understanding what a Yogi is. Besides, there are also many articles about health and Yoga at Nguyen's blog, especially Youtube channel Nguyen has many other useful exercises and movements, please follow and look forward to Nguyen!

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