Warrior Pose 3: Specific Benefits and Instructions

hướng dẫn tư thế yoga chiến binh 3

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Warrior Pose 3 A popular pose in yoga classes, this pose is challenging and highly balanced. In this article, Nguyen will show you how to do Warrior 3 Yoga pose more easily and effectively, besides Nguyen will share with you the great benefits that this Yoga pose brings to your health. health and spirit.

What is Warrior 3 Yoga Pose?

Warrior Yoga Pose 3 is a pose that stands on one leg and raises the other leg high behind. You create a straight line from head to toe. Other than Warrior 1 and 2, this pose requires more balance and concentration. Warrior 3 will help improve physical and mental health, while testing balance, patience and confidence.

Tư thế Yoga chiến binh 3
Warrior Pose 3

Benefits of Warrior 3 . Pose

Warrior Yoga 3 brings many benefits to both body and mind, helping you to develop a comprehensive health.

  • Improve balance for the whole body: When performing this pose, you must maintain balance on one leg, helping to create stability for the whole body. This improves thinking and concentration.
  • Strengthen your legs: This pose works primarily on the small muscles in the legs and ankles, helping to improve leg stability and reduce the risk of slipping during daily activities and sports.
  • Strengthens calves, back and abs: Performing Warrior 3 requires the activation of many muscles such as the legs, back, and abs, helping to increase strength and flexibility for both the upper and lower body.
  • Improve body awareness: Performing this pose requires you to adjust your position in space, which improves body awareness and enhances your body control.
  • Improve concentration and relieve stress: When you do this yoga movement, you will greatly improve your concentration of mind.

Warrior 3 Pose Instructions for Beginners

Bước đầu tiên trong tư thế Yoga Chiến Binh 3
The first step in Yoga Warrior 3
  • Stand with your feet together, hands clasped in front of your chest. Firmly grip the soles and toes of your standing feet onto the mat.

Đổ người về trước trong tư thế Chiến Binh 3
Lean forward in Warrior Yoga 3
  • Slowly lean forward while lifting and extending the other leg back, squeezing the hamstrings, hamstrings, and glutes.

Siết cơ và duỗi tay về trước trong tư thế chiến binh 3
Squeeze and stretch your arms forward
  • Then gently squeeze the central muscle group such as abs, back muscles, and finally, when the body and legs are stabilized, stretch your arms forward, eyes straight down to the ground and keep the point of view, breathe evenly, continue Keeps and stabilizes the torso and legs.

Common mistakes and notes when practicing Yoga Warrior pose 3

Rigid leg ligaments

Notes when practicing Warrior pose 3
  • First note, some leg ligaments are stiff and short, unable to straighten, so it will limit movement of the hips and back as well as difficulty in balance.
  • Bend your knees slightly for better balance.

Try to stretch your arms forward

The mistake of trying to stretch your arms
  • The second most common mistake is that you try to stretch your arms forward and close your hands to your hands, causing the shoulder blades to be pulled upwards as well as the neck and shoulders being contracted, causing neck and shoulder fatigue.
  • Relax your shoulders slightly, separate your arms and shoulders from your ears, and keep your shoulder blades down.

Throw people first

Lỗi đổ người về trước khi tập tư thế Chiến Binh 3
The mistake of falling back before practicing
  • The last common mistake is that your core muscles such as abs and back muscles are weak or not activated, which will cause you to fall forward or lose balance.
  • Squeeze your stomach and back gently, or do core exercises that will help you better balance.

Nguyen hopes that his sharing will be useful for the journey to conquer Warrior Yoga Pose 3 your. You can refer to more articles or video tutorials at Website Nguyen Yoga or channel Youtube Nguyen Yoga


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