Why Does Meditation Cause Back Pain? The Correct Way to Meditate

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Meditation has become a popular method for reducing stress and improving mental health. However, many people experience back pain when meditating, especially beginners. This article will learn about the causes of back pain when meditating, show you how to meditate correctly, and offer effective solutions. We'll explore how to practice meditation comfortably and safely, helping you enjoy the full benefits of meditation.

Causes of Back Pain When Meditating

Back pain when meditating is a common problem, but has many different causes. According to a study published in the Journal of Pain Research, approximately 64% meditating participants reported symptoms of back pain. Understanding the cause can help us find effective solutions:

  • Sitting incorrectly: This is the most common cause. When sitting incorrectly, the spine and back muscles are subjected to unnecessary pressure, leading to pain.
  • The body lacks flexibility: A stiff body, especially in the hips and lower back, can make it difficult to maintain a meditative position for long periods of time.
  • Weak back muscles: Back muscles that are not strong enough to support the spine in an upright sitting position can lead to fatigue and pain.
  • Stress and tension: Mental stress can manifest as physical tension, especially in the back and shoulders.
  • Underlying medical conditions: Sometimes, back pain while meditating can be a sign of more serious health problems such as a herniated disc or spinal arthritis.

Maintaining an incorrect sitting posture for a long time can increase pressure on the spinal discs compared to a standing posture. This emphasizes the importance of maintaining correct posture during meditation.

Correct Meditation Techniques

To avoid back pain and optimize your meditation experience, practicing correct technique is extremely important. Here are detailed instructions for meditating properly:

1. Choose the right posture:

  • Half lotus position: Sit on the cushion, place one leg on the thigh of the other leg.
  • Lotus position: Place both feet on opposite thighs.
  • Sitting on a chair: If sitting on the ground is difficult, you can use a chair with a straight backrest.

2. Maintain a straight spine:

  • Imagine a string pulled from the top of your head to the ceiling, helping to stretch your spine.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed, not tense.

3. Adjust pelvic position:

  • Sit on the front of your pelvis to create a slight forward tilt.
  • This helps maintain the natural curve of the spine.

4. Relax your body:

  • Relax muscles that are not needed to maintain posture.
  • Focus on relaxing each part of your body, from head to toe.

5. Adjust breathing:

  • Breathe deeply and regularly.
  • Use belly breathing techniques to reduce stress and enhance relaxation.

Solutions and Remedies

If you are experiencing back pain while meditating, don't worry. There are many effective measures to overcome this situation:

1. Use support tools:

  • Meditation cushion: Helps elevate sitting position, reducing pressure on the lower back.
  • Meditation chair: Supports correct sitting posture for people who have difficulty sitting on the floor.
  • Backrest pillow: Provides extra support for the spine.

2. Exercise to increase strength and flexibility:

  • Yoga: Exercises such as Cat-Cow, Child's Pose help increase flexibility in the spine.
  • Pilates: Helps strengthen core muscles, better supporting the spine.
  • Stretching: Practice stretching exercises for your hip and lower back muscles regularly.

3. Adjust time and intensity:

  • Start with short meditation sessions, about 5-10 minutes.
  • Gradually increase the time as your body gets used to the sitting position.
  • Alternate between meditating and walking to reduce pressure on your back.

4. Overall health care:

  • Maintain a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D to support bone health.
  • Drink enough water to keep spinal discs healthy.
  • Make sure to get enough sleep so your body has time to recover.

5. Seek professional support:

  • Consult your doctor if back pain persists or is severe.
  • Consider physical therapy or massage to address mechanical problems.


Back pain when meditating is a common but completely reversible problem. By understanding the cause, applying the right meditation technique, and taking the right remedies, you can overcome this obstacle and enjoy the full benefits of meditation.

Remember, each person has a different body structure and needs. It's important to listen to your body and adjust your practice accordingly. Don't be afraid to experiment with different positions and techniques to find what works best for you.

Finally, be patient with yourself. Developing a pain-free meditation routine takes time and persistence. With regular and correct practice, you will soon overcome your back pain problem and fully enjoy your meditation journey.

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