What Are Chakras? 7 Main Types and Ways to Open Chakras

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In the world of yoga and energy healing, chakras are an indispensable concept. Chakras are not simply energy points in the body but are also centers that control health and spirit. This article will explain in detail what chakras are, their role in maintaining health and happiness, as well as how to open and balance these chakras, ensuring smooth circulation. of energy in your body.

What are Chakras?

Chakra, also known as chakra in Sanskrit, means “circle” or “wheel”. This is a term commonly used in Yoga to refer to the energy centers on the human body. Chakras are described as rotating wheel-shaped acupuncture points, acting as main energy focus points. Each chakra is linked to certain organs and nerves, and is responsible for regulating physical and mental health and emotional balance.

The harmonious functioning of the chakras depends on the constant flow of energy between them. When a chakra is blocked, it can cause disruptions in energy flow, negatively affecting health and emotional balance. This can lead to feelings of fatigue, mood disorders, and other health problems. Therefore, understanding and maintaining the balance of the chakras is extremely important to achieve the best state in all aspects.

7 chakras on the human body

Human body There are 7 main chakras, each chakra not only has its own distinct color but is also linked to specific organs and endocrine glands. The balance of these chakras is very important as it affects vital energy exchange and overall health.

Chakra #1 – Muladhara (Root Chakra)

This position is located between the anus and genitals. Muladhara is symbolized by the coral red four-petaled lotus and has no associated endocrine glands but does influence the adrenal glands. This chakra plays a role in survival and the challenges associated with existence.

Chakra No. 2 – Swadhisthana (Sacred Chakra)

Symbolized by the orange 6-petaled lotus, this chakra affects the ovaries or testicles, managing sexual hormones. It is also related to mood and emotions.

Chakra number 3 – Manipura (Solar plexus chakra):

Symbolized by the 10-petal yellow lotus, this chakra focuses on the adrenal and pancreas areas. It affects digestion and food energy metabolism.

Chakra number 4 – Anahata (Heart Chakra):

This chakra is located in the chest area and is symbolized by a 12-petal green lotus flower. Anahata is strongly linked to emotions and relationships, and affects the immune system.

Chakra number 5 – Vishuddha (Throat Chakra):

Located in the ancient region, Vishuddha is symbolized by the blue 16-petaled lotus. This chakra governs communication and expression and is related to the thyroid gland.

Chakra number 6 – Ajna (Third Eye Chakra):

Located between the eyebrows, symbolized by a dark blue two-petaled lotus. Ajna helps develop awareness, intuition and is a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Chakra number 7 – Sahasrara (Crown Chakra):

Located on top of the head, the symbol is a white or purple thousand-petal lotus. This chakra is linked to the pituitary gland and is the control center for other chakras, influencing spiritual ascension and enlightenment.

Chakra energy affects every aspect of life; from mental, emotional to physical. Understanding and maintaining balance of the chakras is key to achieving overall health and happiness.


Based on the role and unique characteristics of each chakra, they can be classified into three different groups as follows:

Group 1: Physical chakras

Including Chakra No. 1 – Muladhara (root), Chakra No. 2 – Swadhisthana (sacred) and Chakra No. 3 – Manipura (solar tuft). This group is responsible for maintaining basic energy flow and vitality, related to physical functions, survival, adaptation and emotional management.

Group 2: Bridge between the material and spiritual worlds

Chakra number 4 – Anahata (heart) is the only chakra in this group. It acts as a bridge between the lower chakras, related to the physical side, and the higher chakras, related to the spiritual side. The heart chakra is associated with love, compassion and deep emotions, facilitating harmony between the physical and spiritual elements.

Group 3: The remaining chakras

Including Chakra No. 5 – Vishuddha (throat), Chakra No. 6 – Ajna (third eye) and Chakra No. 7 – Sahasrara (crown). This group is mainly concerned with spiritual aspects, cognitive development, intuition and connection to higher dimensions. These chakras help guide and support people on their spiritual journey, from developing subtle communication abilities to realizing the highest spiritual connection and enlightenment.

How to open chakras

There are two methods of opening the chakras that, although seemingly contradictory, effectively complement each other:

Activate the chakra from the crown down (Active descent): This method starts from the Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) and works from top to bottom. This helps attract spiritual energy from the universe and channel it down to the other chakras, helping to clear the mind and enhance spiritual awareness. This is especially helpful in connecting with the higher self and achieving inner peace.

Stimulating positive energy, moving from bottom to top (Strengthening from bottom to top): This method starts from Muladhara (Root Chakra) and works from bottom to top. This method focuses on bringing earth energy, which provides stability and security, to the higher chakras. This helps balance emotions and promote physical health, strengthening basic energy and vitality.

Combining both methods not only helps balance and harmonize the spiritual and material, but also encourages comprehensive energy circulation in the body, thereby achieving optimal health and serenity.


Chakras, as energy centers in the body, play an essential role in maintaining balance and harmony of both the body and mind. Opening and balancing the chakras not only helps improve health and increase energy but also brings peace of mind. Hopefully, through gaining a deeper understanding of the chakras and learning how to apply methods to open them, you will be able to access a healthier and more fulfilling life.

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