8 Effective Back Yoga Exercises

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Are you suffering from back sagging and want to improve it to have a more suitable figure? So Nguyen will introduce to you Yoga exercises to improve back hammock effective.

Why Yoga Can Treat Back Sagging?

Yoga is a well-known discipline with gentle intensity movements, suitable for the treatment of bone and joint problems. In Yoga, there are many movements that adjust and affect the skeletal system, especially in the back area.

The sag that originates from the pelvis is tilted forward, causing your buttocks to tend to curve backward. Therefore, Yoga helps to create a habit of adjusting the curvature of the back and adjusting the pelvis back to the original position, thereby improving gait and reducing back pain caused by hamstrings.

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Yoga exercises for back hammock at home

To achieve the best results, the training process will include 3 main parts as follows:

  • Part 1: We will learn how to rotate the pelvis backwards to make the exercises in parts 2 and 3 more effective.
  • Part 2: Will include stretching exercises for tight and shortened muscle groups.
  • Part 3: Will include strengthening exercises for weak and underactive muscle groups.

Part 1: Yoga rotates the pelvis in a lying position

Rotate the pelvis in the supine position

Yoga xoay xương chậu ở tư thế nằm trị võng lưng
Lie close to the ground, bend your knees, feet shoulder width apart
Xoay xương chậu sát đất trị võng lưng
Rotate pelvis backward (closer to the ground)
Yoga xoay xương chậu ở tư thế nằm
Return the pelvis to its original position
  • Lie on your back, close to the ground, bend your knees slightly, feet shoulder width apart.
  • Control the pelvis to rotate backward (close to the ground).
  • Then bring the pelvis back to the original position, repeat 10 times (3 sets).

After you get used to the pelvic rotation in the lying position, we will move on to learn how to rotate the pelvis in the standing position because most of our daily movements will be in the standing position.

Rotate the pelvis in a standing position

Xoay xương chậu ở tư thế đứng chữa võng lưng
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, close to the wall
Xoay xương chậu ở tư thế đứng
Squeeze your buttocks and abdomen, then rotate your pelvis back
Xoay xương chậu ở tư thế đứng
Return the pelvis to its original position
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, close to the wall.
  • Squeeze your glutes and abs, then rotate your pelvis back (to the wall).
  • Bring the pelvis back to the original position, repeat 10 times (3 sets)

Part 2: Yoga stretches tight and contracted muscle groups

Cat and Cow Yoga Pose

Tư thế Mèo và Bò Yoga hỗ trợ trị võng lưng
Support on 2 hands and 2 pillows
Tư thế Mèo và Bò Yoga
Push your chest and belly down, lift your chin
Tư thế Mèo và Bò Yoga
Roll your back, draw your chest and belly up
  • Support on 2 hands and 2 knees.
  • Inhale slightly puff your chest and belly down, lift your chin and look slightly towards the bridge of your nose.
  • Exhale slowly, curling your back, drawing your chest and abdomen up.
  • Repeat this pose 5 times.

Yoga movements to flex the muscles connecting the pelvis and waist

Động tác Yoga ép dẻo cơ nối xương chậu và thắt lưng
Stand with your right foot in front, take a long step back with your right foot
Động tác Yoga ép dẻo cơ nối xương chậu và thắt lưng
Raise your arms up high
Động tác Yoga ép dẻo cơ nối xương chậu và thắt lưng
Lower your right hand to the floor
  • Stand with your right foot in front, take a long step back with your right foot.
  • Reach your arms up, slowly lower your right hand to the floor.
  • Stretch all the muscles connecting the pelvis and back on the left side.
  • Hold for 5 breaths, inhale deeply and breathe slowly.
  • Do the same with the other side.

Yoga moves to stretch the front thigh muscles

Stiff thigh muscles are one of the causes of your pelvis to rotate forward, leading to a sagging back.

There are 3 ways to do this move:

Method 1:

Động tác Yoga ép giãn cơ đùi trước
Left hand on the floor, right hand on the left toe, pull the heel towards the buttocks
  • Stand with right foot in front and left foot behind.
  • Hold the toe of the left foot with the right hand and pull the heel toward the buttocks.
  • Hold for 5 breaths, then switch sides and do the same.

Method 2:

Động tác Yoga ép giãn cơ đùi trước
Left hand against the wall, right hand holding the left toe, pulling the heel to the buttocks
  • Stand with your hands on the wall.
  • Hold the toe of the left foot with the right hand and pull the heel toward the buttocks.
  • Hold for 5 breaths, then switch sides and do the same.

Method 3:

Động tác Yoga ép giãn cơ đùi trước
Bend and press one leg towards the wall
  • Bend and press one leg toward the wall.
  • The other leg is in front.
  • Hold for 5 seconds, breathe evenly, then switch sides.

Part 3: strengthening weak and underactive muscle groups.

Bridge yoga pose

Tư thế Yoga cây cầu
Hands down, knees bent
Tư thế Yoga cây cầu giúp chữa võng lưng
Squeeze your butt, push your hips up
Tư thế Yoga cây cầu trị võng lưng hiệu quả
Gently lower your butt

The bridge yoga pose will help you increase strength and endurance for the hip joints as well as the pelvis, avoiding back sagging, back pain.

  • Lie on your back with your pelvis turned downward, close to the ground
  • Bring your hands to your hips and bend your knees.
  • Inhale, squeeze your buttocks, push your hips up, hold for a bit, then exhale gently lowering your hips.

Split Squat Yoga Pose

Tư thế Yoga Squat 1 chân (Split Squat)
Stand with your front and back feet a few feet apart
Tư thế Yoga Squat 1 chân (Split Squat)
Cross your arms, bend your knees and lower yourself down
Tư thế Yoga Squat 1 chân (Split Squat)
Stand up front foot
  • Stand with your front and back feet about a foot apart.
  • Adjust the pelvis backward (standing guy).
  • Cross your arms in front of your chest and lean forward slightly, then squeeze your stomach slightly.
  • Inhale, bend your back knee and lower yourself down.
  • Exhale, kick your front foot up.
  • Switch sides do the same. Repeat 5-10 times for 3 sets.

Deadbug Yoga Movement

Động tác Yoga con bọ chét biến thể (Deadbug)
Lie on your back, rotate your pelvis forward, close to the ground
Động tác Yoga con bọ chét biến thể (Deadbug)
Straighten 1 leg, keep the other leg
Động tác Yoga con bọ chét biến thể (Deadbug)
Bring your legs back and switch sides
  • Lie on your back with your pelvis turned downward, close to the ground (the first position of the pelvis)
  • Bend both knees at chest.
  • Inhale, straighten one leg, keeping the other leg.
  • Exhale, bring your legs back and switch sides.

Nguyen hopes that the above sharing will be effective and useful for your back hammock condition. Please follow and wait with Nguyen the posts about health and next Yoga!

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