Crow Yoga Pose: Benefits and Specific Instructions

tư thế con quạ trong yoga

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Crow Pose is a quite popular and interesting pose in Yoga, requiring balance, strength and flexibility of the body. However, not everyone knows how to perform this pose safely and effectively, as well as the great benefits it brings to health and spirit.

In this article, we will introduce you to the crow yoga pose, its benefits, and an alignment guide so you can practice this pose with ease and fun. Let's get started!

What is Crow Yoga Pose?

tư thế yoga con quạ
Crow Yoga Pose

Crow Yoga Pose, also known as Bakasana in Sanskrit, is an advanced Yoga pose that requires balance, strength and flexibility of the body. When performing this pose, you will lift your entire body with your arms, while placing your knees on your biceps and keeping your legs bent. This pose resembles the shape of a flying crow.

Benefits of Crow Pose

lợi ích của tư thế con
Benefits of Crow pose

Increase body strength

Crow Yoga Pose will help strengthen your arms, wrists, shoulders and abdominal muscles, helping you perform other Yoga poses more easily. Besides, the Crow Yoga pose requires you to lift your entire body with both hands, while placing your knees on your biceps and keeping your legs bent. This will work the upper muscles and increase their strength and stamina.

Increase body flexibility

When practicing this pose, you will stretch your upper back, helping to improve the flexibility and elasticity of the spine. As you shift your body weight forward, you lengthen the muscles of your upper back and groin area, helping to reduce soreness and stiffness in these areas. This will also help you prevent injuries and herniated discs.

Increase balance ability

You will improve your balance and body weight distribution, helping you better control and position your body in space. Crow yoga pose is a balancing pose that requires you to focus on your gaze and adjust your body weight to avoid falling. This will train your balance skills, making it easier for you to perform other Yoga poses as well as other physical activities.

Increase confidence

Crow Yoga pose will help you face your fears and increase your sense of confidence when practicing Yoga, helping you reduce stress and anxiety. It may make you feel scared that you will fall and hit your face on the floor. However, when you overcome that fear and challenge yourself, you will feel more confident and satisfied with yourself. This will help you release stress and anxiety in your life, and give you a more positive mood.

How to Do Crow Yoga Pose

  • To do this pose, start in a squatting position, place your biceps on top of your knees, and bring your knees closer to your armpits.

thực hiện tư thế yoga con quạ
Do the Crow Yoga Pose
  • Place your hands forward and raise your hips, still keeping your knees close to your biceps.
  • Bend your elbows slightly, lift your heels, lean forward, use the resistance of your forearm bones to bring your body upward, activating your core muscle group to prepare for a balanced position.

Nâng người trong tư thế Yoga Con Quạ
Lift in Crow Yoga Pose
  • When getting into position, keep your gaze straight down at 1 point, lock your shoulder joints and balance here.

Some Notes When Doing Crow Yoga Pose

Use support bricks

You can use Yoga bricks to support this pose, by placing 1 brick in the front to support the head, and 1 brick in the back to support the elevation of the hips.

Sử dụng gạch trong tư thế Yoga Con Quạ
Use bricks in Crow Yoga pose

Matching errors

A common mistake is not locking your shoulder joints and keeping your shoulder blades firm, causing your shoulders to lose balance.

Arm error

If your wrists and arms are weak or painful, practice additional exercises or skip this pose to avoid injury.

Nguyen hopes that the above sharing will be effective and useful for your practice of Crow Yoga pose. Besides, there are also many articles about health and Yoga at Nguyen's blog, especially Youtube channel Nguyen has many other useful exercises and movements, please follow and look forward to Nguyen!

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