7 Twisting Yoga Poses Good for Health

các tư thế yoga vặn xoắn

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Among many health care methods, Yoga is known as a particularly effective form of exercise. Not only does it help improve muscle flexibility, but it also brings great benefits to mood and spirit.

In this article, let's learn about 7 Twisted Yoga Poses and discover the unexpected benefits they bring to overall health. Let's learn how these flexibility moves can help you achieve balance naturally and effectively.

What Are Twisted Yoga Poses?

Twisted yoga is a type of yoga pose that involves twisting the spine and chest. Twisting poses are used to strengthen the abdominal muscles, as well as increase the mobility of the spine.

Benefits of Twisted Yoga Poses

Twisted Yoga poses are poses that have many benefits for health and spirit. Here are some key benefits of these poses:

  • Strengthen and stretch the muscles that protect the spine, helping the spine stay healthy and flexible.
  • Reduce pain and tension in the back, making the back comfortable and pleasant.
  • Improves posture and spinal alignment, helping Yoga practitioners stand straighter and more confident.
  • Soothes the nervous system and clears the mind, helping yoga practitioners relax and calm down.
  • Enhance blood circulation, helping the body be provided with enough oxygen and nutrients.
  • Enhances mood, helps yoga practitioners feel happier and happier.
  • Releases tension in the chest and expands the lungs, helping yoga practitioners breathe more deeply and easily.
  • Supports digestion, helping yoga practitioners eat and digest better.

X Twisting Yoga Pose Good for Health

Twisted Seated Yoga Pose

Tư thế Yoga ngồi vặn xoắn
Twisted sitting yoga pose

Implementation Guide:

  • Straighten your right leg forward and bend your left knee
  • Gently lean your left hand back
  • Place your right bicep on your left thigh
  • Inhale to lengthen your spine, exhale, gently push your hands against your legs and twist your body backwards
  • Then relax back to the middle

Twisted Lying Yoga Pose

Tư thế Yoga nằm vặn xoắn
Twisted lying yoga pose

Implementation Guide:

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees
  • Gently lower both knees to the left, using your left hand to press down on the knee
  • Slowly raise your right hand, breathing evenly. Do the same for the other side

Twisted Triangle Pose

Tư thế tam giác vặn xoắn
Twisted triangle pose
  • Start from a standing position, with your feet about a meter apart, your arms stretched out at your sides. Inhale and rotate your right foot 90 degrees, your left foot 45 degrees. Point your hips toward your right foot
  • Exhale and bend toward your right foot, keeping your spine straight and your arms parallel to the floor. Place your left hand on the floor, inside or outside of your right foot, depending on your ability. If you find it difficult, you can use a Yoga block to support your left hand
  • Inhale and lift your right arm up, toward the ceiling. Expand your chest and rotate your chest toward your right foot. Look in the right direction, keeping your eyes on the diagonal of the arm
  • Hold this position for 5 to 10 breaths, then exhale and return to an upright position.

Needle Threading / Needle Threading Position

Tư thế luồn kim
Needle threading position

Implementation Guide:

  • To do this pose, start in table position, resting on your hands and knees.
  • Inhale, bring your right hand sideways and up toward the ceiling, opening your shoulders and chest, exhale, bring your hand down and slide your hand to the left side.
  • There are also other variations such as holding one hand forward or moving the other hand in the opposite direction to increase the twist.

Simple Twisted Seated Pose

Tư thế ngồi vặn xoắn đơn giản
Simple twisted sitting position

Implementation Guide:

  • Sit on the floor, legs crossed. If you want more comfort, you can sit on a folded blanket to elevate your hips. Lengthen your spine and as you inhale, place your right hand on the floor, directly behind your body, and your left hand on your right knee.
  • When exhaling, twist your body to the right, and at the same time look towards your right shoulder. Hold for 5 breaths, then switch to the other side.

Twisted side angle position

Tư thế góc một bên vặn xoắn
Twisted side angle position

Implementation Guide:

  • Start with posture downward facing dog, bring your left leg forward between your hands. Your toes are in line with your fingers.
  • Bend your left knee so that your calf and thigh form a right angle. Thighs parallel to the floor.
  • Turn your right foot – make sure your heel touches the floor. Place your right hand on the floor, below your right shoulder
  • Rotate torso to the left, chest open, right shoulder above left knee.
  • Reach your left arm up toward the ceiling. Eyes facing forward
  • Hold the pose for 3-5 breaths. Then step down back into downward facing dog and switch sides.

Twisted chair position

Tư thế chiếc ghế vặn xoắn
Twisted chair position

Implementation Guide:

  • Start from chair position.
  • Stand so that your big toes touch and you can see your toes go past your knees.
  • Clasp your hands in the center of your chest, hooking your left elbow to the outside of your right thigh as you rotate to the right.
  • Keep your knees steady, placing emphasis on your palms to twist deeper.
  • Open your chest and slightly upward so your thumbs touch your chest as you rotate your shoulders. After 5 breaths, return to the starting position. Switch sides.

Nguyen hopes that the above sharing will be effective and useful in the process of practicing Yoga to improve your health. Besides, there are also many articles about health and Yoga at Nguyen's blog, especially the channel Nguyen's Youtube There are many other useful exercises and movements, please follow and look forward to Nguyen!

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