8 Effective Back Pain Treatment Yoga Exercises

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Back-ache is becoming popular among both the elderly and the young. Many patients choose to treat their back pain at home. Yoga is one of the most widely used methods because of its safety and many other added benefits. Everyone, please learn with Nguyen in this article to know more about Yoga therapy for back pain Please!

Should I practice yoga for back pain?

Back pain is divided into several levels such as acute, subacute and chronic. For acute and sub-acute cases, you can absolutely practice Yoga at home to treat and improve the condition. But for people with chronic disease, it is advisable to consider the advice of a doctor or have the close guidance of a yoga teacher specializing in back pain treatment to avoid serious complications.

When practicing yoga for back pain at home will bring many benefits as follows:

  • Stretching muscles and ligaments makes the "massage" as well as helps to make the back more flexible.
  • Increase circulation and blood circulation.
  • In addition to making the back pain relief and supple, Yoga also helps reduce stress and fatigue for a more refreshing spirit.

8 yoga exercises to cure back pain at home

The movements below are divided into two parts by Nguyen. Mistakes help you relieve back pain quickly and effectively.

Part 1: The movements help to relax tight or shortened muscle groups and ligaments. These muscle groups include the back muscles, glutes, hamstrings, and lumbar muscles that connect the pelvis.

1. Cat and Cow Yoga Pose

Tư thế yoga mèo và bò
Inhale – push your belly and chest down, creating a curve in your back

Tư thế Yoga mèo và bò
Exhale, curl your back up


  • Stand with your hands and knees shoulder-width apart, knees and hips kept in a straight line, wrists and shoulders also in line, back in a neutral position.
  • Inhale – push your belly and chest down, create a curve in your back, gently lift your chin.
  • Then, as you exhale, curl your back upward, drawing your chin toward your chest.
  • And so repeat 5 times in this position will help your back more flexible.

Note: If you feel back pain or discomfort when pushing your chest down, then you should just bend down slightly without trying too hard, or keep your back neutral in the middle.

Tư thế Yoga mèo và bò
Practice the correct posture of the cat and cow yoga pose

2. Raised Arms Pose

Tư thế đứng vươn giãn cột sống lưng (Raised Arms Pose)
Reach your arms slightly above your head, lengthening your spine upward

Tư thế đứng vươn giãn cột sống lưng (Raised Arms Pose)
Hold 5 deep and slow breaths


  • Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart, then interlace your palms together, inhale, reach your arms slightly above your head, lengthen your spine upward, hold for 5 deep and slow breaths.
  • This movement helps to stretch the back vertebrae, muscles and ligaments, prevent degeneration and herniated discs.

Note: Squeeze your thighs, buttocks, and abdomen gently to stand firmer as well as keep the spine straight, avoiding the situation of sagging back and back, it will make you more back pain.

Tư thế đứng vươn giãn cột sống lưng (Raised Arms Pose)
Practice correct standing posture to stretch the spine (Raised Arms Pose)

3. Yoga poses for stretching muscles connecting the pelvis and waist (Psoas stretch)

Tư thế Yoga ép dẻo cơ nối xương chậu và thắt lưng (Psoas stretch)
Press your groin deep down
Tư thế Yoga ép dẻo cơ nối xương chậu và thắt lưng (Psoas stretch)
Lower your right hand to the floor and stretch the muscle connecting your pelvis and back on the left side.


  • Stand with your right foot in front and take a long step back with your left foot. Then press your groin deep down, then reach your arms up and slowly lower your right hand to the floor to stretch the muscle connecting the pelvis and back on the left side.
  • Breathe deeply and slowly, holding for 5 breaths, do the same with the other side.

Issues to note:

  • If you can't keep your hands on the floor, prop them up on a Yoga tile or an object of similar height. Or if it's too difficult, you can keep your hands above.

Tư thế Yoga ép dẻo cơ nối xương chậu và thắt lưng (Psoas stretch)
Use Yoga bricks to support flexing muscles connecting the pelvis and waist (Psoas stretch)
  • The second mistake is that you do not press the groin deeply and long forward, it will not help stretch the muscle group connecting the pelvis and the waist.

Tư thế Yoga ép dẻo cơ nối xương chậu và thắt lưng (Psoas stretch)
Practice correct yoga postures to squeeze the muscles connecting the pelvis and waist (Psoas stretch)

4. Cobra Pose (Cobra Pose)

Tư thế Yoga lưng dưới rắn hổ mang (Cobra Pose)
Inhale and slide your chest forward, lifting your chest up

Tư thế Yoga lưng dưới rắn hổ mang (Cobra Pose)
Hold here for 5 seconds or 3 deep breaths


  • The next pose is the cobra pose, lie close to the ground, with your arms across your chest
  • Inhale and slide your chest forward, lift your chest up, creating an upward curve.
  • Hold here for 5 seconds or 3 deep breaths.

Note: You do not need to lift too high, raise to the right height for you so that the body feels comfortable in the movement and the spine is stretched.

Part 2: These are movements that strengthen weak muscle groups such as back muscles, abdominal muscles, and glutes.

5. Bridge Yoga Pose

Tư thế cây cầu (Bridge) Yoga lưng dưới
Squeeze your butt, push your hips up
Tư thế cây cầu (Bridge) Yoga lưng dưới
Hold the bridge yoga pose for a bit


  • Lie down on the ground, hands on hips and knees bent.
  • Inhale, squeeze your buttocks, push your hips up, hold for a bit, then exhale gently lowering your hips.
  • Bridge pose will help strengthen your glutes and help you practice better control of your hip joints, avoiding back sagging and back pain.

Issues to note:

  • The common mistakes in this pose are that you put your feet too far away, your feet too close to your butt. Adjust your leg spacing just right so that when pushing your hips up your shins create a straight line.

Lỗi sai trong tư thế cây cầu (Bridge) Yoga lưng dưới
The First Common Mistake in the Bridge Yoga Pose
  • The second mistake is that you push your hips and buttocks up too high, causing your neck and back to be painful and uncomfortable. The most important thing in this move is that you feel your glutes tighten as you push your hips up.

Lỗi sai trong tư thế Yoga cây cầu (Bridge)
The second most common mistake in the Bridge yoga pose

6. Yoga Pose prone Y (Prone Y)

Tư thế Yoga nằm sấp chữ Y (Prone Y)
Lie face down on the ground, arms stretched forward

Tư thế Yoga nằm sấp chữ Y (Prone Y)
Simultaneously lift your chest and arms up, exhale you will lower your arms.


First, lie down on the ground with your arms stretched out in front of you. Inhale, you will simultaneously lift your chest and arms up, exhale you will lower your arms.

Issues to note:

  • Press down on the middle and lower trapezius areas when lifting your arms to avoid further straining your upper trapezius and neck muscles as you work.
  • If you find the Y-hand stretch too difficult, you can bend your elbow to simulate the letter W, and do the same.

Tư thế Yoga nằm sấp chữ Y (Prone Y)
Note when practicing yoga posture lying on the stomach with the letter Y (Prone Y)

7. Light crunch (Crunch)

Tư thế gập bụng nhẹ (Crunch)
Inhale, lift your head and upper back.

Tư thế gập bụng nhẹ (Crunch) - Yoga lưng dưới và bụng
Exhale and gently lower


  • Lie close to the ground and bend your legs. Then knit your hands behind your head.
  • Inhale, raise your head and upper back, then exhale gently lower. Repeat 5 times, do 3 sets.
  • This pose will help strengthen your abs and upper back, these muscle groups will support the lower back in movements, helping you limit lower back pain.

Note: A common mistake in this move is that you try to arch your back to bend upwards. If you are a beginner, you have back pain, or your abs and back are not strong, you should avoid arching your back because it can cause you pain and backache.

Tư thế gập bụng nhẹ (Crunch)
Mistakes made when doing light crunches (Crunch)

8. Bird-dog yoga pose

Tư thế Yoga chim chó (Bird-dog) - Yoga lưng dưới
Support on 2 hands and 2 knees, 2 knees open with 2 shoulders
Straighten your right arm forward and your left leg back.
Exhale you will bring your knees to your chin, elbows to your stomach


  • You should support on 2 hands and 2 knees, 2 knees open with 2 shoulders. Knees and hips keep in line, wrists and shoulders in line, back in neutral position. Open your fingertips slightly and keep your hands on the floor.
  • Inhaling you will straighten your right arm forward and your left leg back. Exhale you will bring your knees to your chin, elbows to your stomach. Repeat this movement 5 times and switch sides for 3 sets.
  • This pose will help strengthen your back, abdomen, buttocks and hamstrings, leg ligaments, and help you reduce lower back pain.

Besides Yoga, Nguyen also has an article about other effective ways to reduce back pain at home here. Nguyen hopes that the above sharing will be effective and useful for you. Please follow and wait with Nguyen the posts about health and next Yoga!


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